While the convenience of debit and credit cards makes spending much easier, it also makes the piling up of debt and results in depleting your savings. Do not worry. Here are some ways by which you can actually limit spending.
1. Sketch a weekly budget: First thing is that you sit down, take some time to draft a weekly budget. See to it that the budget includes everything you will be purchasing that week, for example, groceries, gas, lunch out with co-workers, or daily coffee stops. You need to know exactly what you spend each week in order to have that amount of cash with you come Monday morning. As the week begins and progresses, only use the cash in your wallet to pay for what you have budgeted, and hold on to your receipts.
2. Check your daily spending against budget: At the end of the day count the amount of cash is left with you. Then cross check it with the receipts and your weekly budget. Make a note of certain things like are you only spending money on the things for which you budgeted? Or are you on track to be flushed at the end of the week, or will you run out of cash by Thursday? By reviewing these questions you will get an idea of your expenditures and then that way you will know how to spend the money.
3. Limit spending based on budget: Many a times we get tight on cash, so in such case what you can do is avoid eating out and instead pack lunch from home. Also you could kill the outdoor lattes. If having an entire week’s worth of cash is too much temptation, you can divide the cash into daily allowances. Putting each day’s allowance into an envelope, and only taking that amount with you each morning, will ensure that you don’t burn through your budgeted amount several days before the new week begins.
4. No using credit cards: Want to limit spending? Here is the secret to it- avoid to the most of using credit and debit cards! Carrying that piece of plastic is extremely tempting. It will likely keep you from making unnecessary purchases or over-indulging on certain things. You certainly don’t want to put yourself in a dangerous situation, but if you keep blowing through the cash in your wallet and exceeding your weekly budget, not having a back-up could be all the motivation you need to limit spending. Overspending is easy. But start using cash instead of credit cards. This will be a great way to cut out the excess and keep your finances in check.