Many people plan ahead of time and usually the world hates them and finds them boring. In fact such people progress financially. If you are one the people who do so, don’t worry. You are not alone. There are many who do so. There are people who maintain a will well before in advance. But majority of the people are least about such things. They may not realize this now, but soon. Plan for the future theory only states that you notice and observe your current spendings and simultaneously save for the future. Saving for the future concept will give you the courage to overcome financial hurdles. If you have a good amount of savings for the future you can easily get over any financial problem. Also planning a will will get you prepared for whatever the future may bring. Planning for the future is somehow not difficult yet not easy. There are barriers to it as well. These barriers holds us back from planning for the future. However, putting off planning for later can lead to many consequences. Just imagine you die without a will, then what? How do you think your assets are going to be divide? Your assets could be divided by pre-determined way. It is likely that the monetary assets may not end up with people you thought would get. It is especially important for parents to have a Will to make sure they have considered guardianship of their children as to who would look after their children if something happened to both parents, where would they live, and how would they be educated and so on. One should also have an enduring power of attorney. The EPA is nothing but a legal document that gives you the authority to appoint an attorney who would manage your financial and legal affairs. The EPA will sign the documents and pay the bills only if you loose your mental balance. It is always better to have a will and an EPA. You never know what can happen to you. So for the sake of your loved ones, get a will and EPA now!